
hg6668皇冠登录, Michigan, is a winter sports fanatic’s dream

我和朋友们都听说过这个传说 200多英寸的降雪 in hg6668皇冠登录, Michigan, and were dying to dive into miles of fresh powder. But we were even more excited to ride the snow bike route—an epic 25-mile groomed trail on the Noquemanon步道网络 专为大轮胎自行车开发. 我们都是狂热的山地自行车手, and had tried winter 脂肪骑自行车 elsewhere and were decidedly underwhelmed. 但在发现这些电影之后 冷轧 这是后续 不正常工作,大约 脂肪骑自行车 in hg6668皇冠登录—dubbed the winter fat bike capital of the lower 48—we were excited to experience 脂肪骑自行车 heaven firsthand.



With its red, white and blue corn tortilla chips and its tri-colored plates, 边境烧烤 是和外面的白色形成鲜明对比吗. 工作人员 运动架hg6668皇冠登录 who hooked us up with Salsa Mukluk fat bikes recommended fueling up here before attacking the trails. Our whitefish burritos—filled with a fresh catch from nearby 苏必利尔湖—were massive. 莎莎舞的集合, 热酱汁, homemade queso and guac we accumulated to go with them almost warranted a second table. After stuffing our faces with some of the freshest Mexican food I’ve had this side of the border, I reminded my friends it was time to trade our table for the trails.

这片树林是低气压骑手的天堂. We spent hours pumping through snow-covered forest and over ice-covered bridges, 顺山而下, 在修剪整齐的单轨上越过护堤. It was an adrenaline rush we were still riding later that evening as we recalled every mile over a round of beers.

After leaving the trails, we loaded up the bikes up and headed to 普雷斯克岛公园. We crunched along the shoreline, checking out the 苏必利尔湖 “pancakes”—circular ice formations in the water that look like floating pancakes—while we peddled, 在白雪皑皑的黑岩上蹦蹦跳跳.

我们在……结束了这一天 贝莱德啤酒厂, located in a cute yellow house with a fence of skis. Inside was jam-packed, so we took our beers outside. 人群也涌到了外面. Other riders and snowboarders fresh off the 山坡上 gathered on the porch or around the fire pit.

“向设计这些东西的天才致敬,当我们在一个宽敞的房间安顿下来时,埃文说, 啤酒厂前草坪上的透明冰屋. 里面太舒适了,我们都不想离开. 和当地人聊天的时候, we learned there were more trails to shred at Harlow Lake—15+ miles of groomed trails, 他说, with epic views and some of the most difficult technical riding in the Midwest. He told us there were even rustic cabins with bunk beds, woodstoves and outdoor fire pits along the trails. I made a mental note to reserve one our next time out.

We took another local’s suggestion and headed to the 左边的旅馆hg6668皇冠登录市中心吃晚饭. “Just don’t start with the breadsticks,” she warned. “如果你这样做,让你的同事离开.”

We didn’t understand what she meant until an hour later when we were picking the last buttery, garlic- and parmesan-crusted crumbs off the plate.



The next morning, after homemade biscuits and gravy at 咖啡馆酒窖,我们穿过马路去 顺风运动攀冰 齿轮. This wasn’t going to be a footprints-in-the-sand kind of vacay. The guys and I were going to leave etchings in the ice. Our adventure would begin about 25 miles southeast of hg6668皇冠登录.

“How many people can say they’ve gone ice cave hopping?埃文满怀期待地问道.

We were among the privileged few at Eben Ice Caves that day. 更多的 like colossal ice curtains, the caves were as incredible as they were accessible. We donned our Yaktrax—basically ice cleats— and were glad we had because once we hiked across the field to the caves, 我们有足够的动力去探索它们. We ducked under blue-green tinged sheets of giant icicles frozen together to look out from inside of the cave. But that was just the warm-up for what would come next.

我们又沿着这条路走了30分钟 图为岩石国家湖岸. This summer paddler’s and hiker’s dream was transformed into a giant wall of ice, 非常适合攀岩. 我们谁也没有攀登过, 更不用说在冰上了, 但装备要合适, we felt like old pros after conquering The Curtains.

“We need to come back for Michigan Ice Fest,” Matt proclaimed that afternoon, over beverages at 矿石码头酿酒公司. The nation’s oldest ice festival offers clinics from beginner to advanced.

“一次攀登,你就被迷住了,我边说边喝着黑樱桃苏打水, 由苏必利尔湖的水制成.

“我们走吧,”克雷格说. “我们有个约会 hg6668皇冠登录山.”



离市中心三英里,我们到达了 山坡上 just in time for night skiing—or in our case, snowboarding. 我们搜遍了地形公园里的每一个跳跃点和轨道, 勾出了几颗黑钻, and even explored the backcountry area aptly named “The Jungle.”

我们吃着肉丁,喝着啤酒 Stucko酒吧 & 烧烤. 严格来说,它们是两品脱的. Stucko’s signature drink is draft beer served in a frozen 32-oz. 嗖的玻璃.


“欢迎来到 自杀的山我们的跳台滑雪教练说. 如果他想吓唬我们,那是没用的. We wanted an adventure, and hg6668皇冠登录 was delivering on all fronts. Just 15 miles from hg6668皇冠登录 was Michigan’s only ski jumping school with five progressive ski jumps just waiting to be conquered.

“获得并保持,”加里教练说. Speed was essential for successfully making these jumps—13, 25, 40, 60 and 90 meters—the longest nearly the length of a football field. One at a time, we made our bodies as aerodynamic as possible before launching ourselves into the sky. The feeling of flying through the air surrounded by nothing but more air was beyond exhilarating! We celebrated over burgers and wings at Jackson’s Pit in Negaunee.



那天下午,我们加入了 上半岛雪橇俱乐部 at their Lucy Hill Luge Track, also in Negaunee, where luge Olympic hopefuls train. 我们大部分时间都是躺着度过的, 脚先, racing down the country’s only full-length natural luge track, shrieking like 5-year-olds sledding for the first time.

我们在hg6668皇冠登录的最后一晚, 我们轮流吹嘘谁拖得更快, 骑着困难, 跳得更远, while relaxing in the taproom of the Cognition Brewery, 坐落在一个历史悠久的前酒店. With its extensive list of beers on tap, every day is “Cogtoberfest” at Cognition. 然后我们沿街去吃 国会披萨.

“想尝尝我们自制的巧克力吗??” the waitress asked before explaining cudighi was a type of sausage from Italy that is now a UP specialty.

“When in hg6668皇冠登录,” Craig answered for all of us. 这是一个完美的答案.

“When in hg6668皇冠登录” pretty much summed up our three-day trip. 我们都在担心回程的航班. 但现在我们知道. hg6668皇冠登录 was the place to come for outdoor thrills. 我们不能等到下次了.
